Hindu Nav Varsh 2024 Start on 9 april Vikram samvat 2081 raja mangal and minister will be shani dev know its effect. Hindu Nav Varsh 2024: Mars is the king of Hindu New Year starting from 9th April.

Hindu Nav Varsh 2024 Start on 9 april Vikram samvat 2081 raja mangal and minister will be shani dev know its effect.  Hindu Nav Varsh 2024: Mars is the king of Hindu New Year starting from 9th April.

Hindu Nava Varsh 2024: According to the Hindu calendar, the Hindu New Year is starting from 9 April 2024. The name of this year is Kalyukta Samvat. According to the Hindu calendar, astrologers are predicting many inauspicious events taking place this year.

It is believed that many such events will take place in this Hindu New Year which will create a stir in the world. Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas told that according to the calculations of Vedic astrology, after about 30 years, the new year will start in auspicious Rajayoga.

Who will be the king-minister of Vikram Samvat 2081?

09 April will be the first day of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada i.e. Hindu New Year Vikram Samvat 2081 and on this day there is a combination of Amrit Siddhi Yoga, Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga and Shash Rajyoga. This time the king of Vikram Samvat 2081 will be Mars and the minister will be Shani Dev. In such a situation, the influence of Saturn and Mars remains throughout the year. It is also called Hindu New Year. There are 12 months in the calendar and each month starts with Krishna Paksha. According to Brahma Purana, Lord Brahma created the universe on this date.

  • If we talk about the cabinet of 2081 Samvat in the celestial sphere this year, then the king of this year 2081 Samvat will be Mars. His minister will be Saturn.
  • Venus will take charge of the same commander and the vehicle of Samvatsar will be the bull.
  • The name of this Vikram Samvat will be Kalayukt. The king of this Kalyukt Samvat will be Mars, Mantri – Saturn, Sasyesh – Mars, Durgesh – Venus, Dhanesh – Moon, Rasesh – Guru, Dhanyaesh – Saturn, Neeresh – Mars, Falesh – Venus, Meghesh – Venus.

Hindu new year will start in many auspicious coincidences

The Hindu New Year will begin in Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga, Amrit Siddhi Yoga and Shash Rajyoga. Apart from this, there is also a coincidence of Revati and Ashwini Nakshatra on the first day of the year. On this day, Moon will be in Jupiter’s zodiac sign Pisces. Shani Dev will be situated in his own zodiac sign Aquarius and Shash Rajyoga will also be formed.

period of time

Just as every month has a name in the English calendar, similarly every year also has a name according to the Panchang. Every year is named according to astrological time calculations. The name of this year is Kalyukta and its king is Mars and minister is Saturn. The remaining planets will be considered members of this year’s cabinet.

Why is New Year 2081 not auspicious?

This year is being considered as a year with many negative events. It is believed that when there is good coordination between the king or the Prime Minister of a country and the other ministers, then good governance prevails there, but in the year of Kalyukta, Mars is the king and Saturn is the minister. There is a feeling of enmity between the two. In such a situation, they may have a negative impact on this year.

possibility of natural disaster

  1. The position of the planets in this Samvat is also indicating that the threat of nuclear war will loom over the world and the budget of many big countries of the world on weapons will increase.
  2. There will be competition among nations regarding the accumulation of weapons. Due to renewed clashes among western nations, many nations will be seen moving towards war, but efforts to resolve them will also intensify. The worst impact of these wars seems to be on western countries.
  3. The public will remain restless due to mutual tension between nations and politicians. New variants of a disease like Corona will increase people’s heartbeat. Along with this, chances of many types of accidents also seem to be rising during this period.
  4. Apart from the tension on the border, there is also a possibility of loss of life and property due to storm and fire in New Year 2081. Apart from man-made problems, natural disasters will also be seen in the country.
  5. People will suffer huge losses due to incidents like earthquake, land slide, flood, cloud burst, storm, cyclone, storm, hailstorm etc. These natural disasters will result in reduction in agricultural production and loss of livestock. Natural disasters will have an adverse impact on the social and economic sectors.

possibility of occurrence of events

  • Astrologer said that there will be an increase in crime in Kalyukta. This will lead to incidents of theft, fraud, dishonesty, corruption, violence and disturbance, which will create an atmosphere of unrest in the society.
  • Arson, communal violence, extremism and terrorist activities will increase in the country. At the same time, incidents like kidnapping, robbery, murder, suicide will also increase significantly.

Conflict and disunity among political parties

  • In the New Samvat, politics will also not remain untouched by the inauspicious effects of this timeless year. On one hand, economic and social conditions will remain unstable, on the other hand, a situation of conflict and disunity may arise between political parties.
  • There will be disputes between countries regarding some issues. There will be vandalism and explosive incidents somewhere.
  • Due to lack of coordination between countries, dire war situations may arise. Many allegations may also be made against many leaders, due to which there will be turmoil in politics throughout the year.
  • Due to presence of two opposing planets ‘Mars-Saturn’ near the king and minister, both the chief officials, there will be more antagonism and contradictory incidents on the political and social front.
  • The environment will be toxic due to religious fanaticism. There will be loss of life due to war. A feeling of hatred will arise among politicians. People from outside the country and subject experts will be honored by high-ranking politicians and heads of state.
  • Politicians and administrators will be satisfied with wealth. Fair policies will be implemented for the public. Politicians and administrators will be blessed with wealth and prosperity. Displaced people who earn their livelihood will benefit from the rituals.
  • Animosity will increase due to religious fanaticism. The prices of grains will increase and strange types of fever and diseases will spread among the people. The happiness of distinguished people will increase. People will respect outsiders and subject experts. The public will suffer due to the disturbances.
  • Exclusive people will get the benefit of facilities. Good governance will create peace. With modesty and restraint in speech, you will experience the comforts of home. Remote and hilly people will also benefit from the expansion of amenities.

Women’s influence will increase

  • Health awareness will increase among people and the market in the field of health insurance will increase. The influence of women will increase at the international level.
  • This year, trends and attractions in the field of fashion, film industry and entertainment will increase not only in India but across the world. There will be a good increase in the influence and income of people associated with these fields this year.
  • The central and state governments may have to face many big movements. Some big leaders of the opposition may have to get entangled in legal matters.
  • The news of the death of a famous woman or marital tension can create a sensation in the country. Some untoward incident may happen to a big minister.

Faith in God will increase

Astrologer said that an atmosphere of restlessness can also be seen among the people. There will be an atmosphere of conflict and conflict among the people which will increase tension in society and politics. As public health improves, compassion will grow in people’s hearts. There will be more administrative work in the country. This year, situations like famine seem to be affecting the world, while the impact of rats and locusts can also be seen in agriculture. There will be a rise in prices after the decline in milk production amid the possibility of some reduction in inflation for some time.

Amidst the increasing problems, people will remember God, while during this time, a combination of wealth and position will be created through yagya and havan. During this time, officials can become the cause of problems for the general public. The public may remain distressed amid huge increase in inequality. There may be an increase in crimes like robbery, kidnapping etc. Indian artists and scientists will earn great fame in the country and abroad. An Indian scientist or educationist may receive Nobel or any other major prestigious award in the next one year.

There will be ups and downs in the economy

The astrologer said that the combination of planets is indicating that the demise of a prominent or big person during this period can shock the public mind. During this period, a continuous decline in the political level may also be seen. In this New Year 2081, along with the possibility of new discoveries, some special work is being done regarding education.

Amidst the possibility of improvement in transport conditions, something very special also seems to be happening in this time period. This Samvatsara will sometimes see a decline and sometimes a boom in the market and economy, but later the situation will seem to become normal. There will be neither a boom nor a major recession in the IT sector. The chaos in the stock market will show great nervousness in the market. Then after several consecutive reforms the market will take over.

prices will increase

There will be an increase in the price of crude oil in this Hindu New Year, due to which the price of petrol and diesel may increase. Ruby, coral, topaz, diamonds etc. gems, red clothes, hot clothes, red sandalwood, gold, brass, copper, cottonseed etc. and other red colored materials and metals will be expensive.

Those who buy and sell food items (milk, ghee, sherbet, jaggery, juice, oil, apple, seasonal juices etc.) will get profits. Traders of clothes, grains, aromatic oils, milk, ghee, jaggery, rice, perfumes, fragrances, sweets etc. will also get benefits. Opportunistic people will benefit. There will be harmony between the people and the administration.

livestock will be harmed

Astrologer told that there will be loss of livestock due to strange disease in cattle like elephant, horse, donkey etc. and milch animals like cow, bull, buffalo, camel etc. Due to lack of useful rainfall, standing crops like grains, barley, gram, soybean will be damaged due to which their prices will increase.

The yield of crops grown in winter like moong, moth, millet, sugarcane, grains, oilseeds, pulses etc. will be low or agriculture will suffer losses due to natural calamities. There will be an unexpected increase in the prices of pulses, oilseeds and grains etc. Rain will be great. The yield of grass, straw, fruits, flowers and groups of small plants will be higher i.e. their production will be better.

Chaitra Navratri 2024: On which day will the first fast of Navratri be observed? Know the correct date and auspicious time for establishing the Kalash.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on assumptions and information. It is important to mention here that ABPLive.com does not endorse or confirm any information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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